Inspiration, Thy Name Is…

As a composer, being asked, “What is your inspiration?” is a daunting proposition. My initial response is EVERYTHING!

It’s true. There are the obvious sources of inspiration: personal joy and/or pain, childhood remembrances, David Bowie, love/hate for someone or something, a beautiful day, David Bowie, a crummy day, a great sandwich, Peter Gabriel, the theory of relativity, Bob Moog (Google him), the beach, David Bowie, the mountains, world affairs, catered affairs. Really, the possibilities are endless.

I’ve never met a subject or emotion that I didn’t feel the need to memorialize in melodies and suitably appropriate orchestral/percussive/electronic arrangements (my specialty, by the way). I could sing my heart out over my love of frequent lunches at my most favorite sushi spot while having written the song in a way that leads the listener to believe I just met the man of my dreams. A little bit of musical bait-and-switch – another Curly Girl trademark.

To wit, my song “Delicate One” plays like I’m a maniac out for blood after toying with the emotions of the one I am about to dispatch. When I perform this song live, I ask the audience in advance to listen to the lyrics and tell me what they think it all means. It’s lots of fun – and it usually means the crowd stops texting for a moment and actually listens! Predictably, I get variations of the scenarios I’ve outlined above – doomed love, confronting an enemy, the clear fact that I’m a loony, etc.

Actually, it’s a song I wrote in about 20 minutes on a bright Sunday morning after – wait for it – killing a spider in the kitchen. HAH! How ’bout that for recognizing the moment you’ve been handed everything you need for a well-constructed song with a twist and race directly out to the studio to get it all down?

So, with many thanks to Gretchen at Second Blooming for the inspiration to write this post, I give you “Delicate One.” ( And, if you could separate yourself for a minute from what I just told you about the song, what would you think the song means?

{Delicate One written by LFK, performed by Starfish Lily. © Curly Girl Music.  All rights reserved.}

Second Blooming

About CurlyGirlMusic

Composer, Songwriter, Producer
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3 Responses to Inspiration, Thy Name Is…

  1. gretchen says:

    Beautiful! And no, I wouldn’t have guessed spider! And I definitely hear the Bowie influence. BTW, I’m proud to have known who Moog was without the Google search!

    You are linked!

  2. Fun to read how a real artist is inspired. Being a senior citizen, I have been wanting to have some sort of happy song about old age. Not the usual, “I’m sitting in the nursing home all alone. Just readin’ my Bible and cramming for the final exam” kind of song. Still waiting for that ‘spider’ of inspiration. Loved the song!

    • Thank you so much, Janice. I really appreciate your comments. I have to ask you: could you imagine your life at this moment if you weren’t where you are right now? What would you do and say? What sights would you see? Where would you go? Daydream, set yourself free of your daily routine and write it however it happens to come to you. I do it all the time.

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